Blizzcon diablo immortal announcement reaction
Blizzcon diablo immortal announcement reaction

blizzcon diablo immortal announcement reaction blizzcon diablo immortal announcement reaction

Regardless, he says, “We did not do a good job in assuaging our core fanbase that we’re not abandoning PC for mobile and console.” While the verdict is still out on how Blizzard plans to monetize Diablo Immortal, Brack says “we can have Blizzard values around monetization” and without sacrificing quality. And the example of that is, there was a little bit of a backlash when we that we were going to port Diablo 3 to console as well.” And then we look for other platforms that we think are awesome that can support the types of game play experiences that resonate with the type of games and values that we want to put forth into the world. “And I also think the key thing that was lost, that we did a poor job double emphasizing, is we are a PC developer first. “I think the thing that we did a poor job of when we announced Diablo: Immortal was contextualizing what we think the future can be and what we think of mobile in particular,” he said. Allen Brack said he feels the company did a poor job reassuring fans that it was still a PC developer. Speaking to GameSpot, Blizzard president J. Since then, very little information has been provided on its progress, though NetEase’s CFO noted back in March that it was “pretty much ready.”

blizzcon diablo immortal announcement reaction

The reaction was almost universally negative – the cinematic trailer was hit with hundreds of thousands of dislikes on YouTube. Nearly a year has passed since Blizzard Entertainment announced Diablo Immortal for mobile devices at BlizzCon 2018.

Blizzcon diablo immortal announcement reaction